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Abortion is epidemic in the black community.

In the city that birthed Planned Parenthood–New York City–more black babies are aborted than born alive. Abortion activists and predatory abortion facilities, like Preterm, happily call this rampant discrimination “reproductive  justice”. Abortion is violence. (Warning: uncensored images of reality of abortion.) From NYC to Cleveland to Little Rock to Los Angeles, abortion profiteers want us to believe that we magically become “equal” when innocent human beings are killed. Every human life has undeniable and irreplaceable purpose. We can’t be free at last if we don’t value black lives in and out of the womb. Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. and abortion here

You deserve so much better than abortion.

Despite the fact that the #BlackLivesMatter movement’s leaders announced “solidarity” with Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry, you don’t need abortion. You need support and love. We rise above, all the time. We’re stronger than our circumstances. The abortion industry offers nope. Life-affirming resources in your community offer hope instead. Adoption is a powerful parenting choice, and can be a win-win-win situation for the birthparent(s), the child, and the adoptive family. Billion-dollar Planned Parenthood profits ($98.5 million last year) when our future is eliminated by abortion. They offer less care, no matter what.  Even though every major medical service to women has been plummeting at the abortion giant, fake feminists hold on to their easily debunked #fakehealth claims. You can hold onto something far better. There are over 3,000 pregnancy resource centers and 13,000+ comprehensive taxpayer-funded medical centers that don’t commit abortion; they provide real help and healthcare. Click here to find help in your local area.

Abortion is lost fatherhood.

Men hurt from abortion, too. And many times, that regret and pain remain for life without compassionate intervention. There is healing from abortion. There are women and men who’ve been where you are. Click here for post-abortion resources that can help you on a journey toward wholeness. Roe v. Wade didn’t empower women. It created a crisis of abandonment and fatherlessness. Dads matter more than ever. 




Number of Abortions by Race

% of 3,249 Abortions in Arkansas

Arkansas Population by Race (%)

Abortions by Marital Status (%)

These are the most recent abortion statistics (2017) from the Arkansas Department of Health. Click here to view data.

Click here to learn more about abortion’s impact in the black community in Arkansas.


This campaign is sponsored by Radiance Foundation, Arkansas Right to Life Black Americans for Life Outreach, and the Coalition for Life Cleveland.

Radiance Foundation
Arkansas Right to Life
COGIC World Missions
Dr. Alveda King
The Frederick Douglass Foundation
Cleveland Right to Life
Issues4Life Foundation
Cleveland Pregnancy Center
Life Education and Resource Network
A New Beginning Ministries
NE Ohio Values Voters
Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio
Right to Life of Northeast Ohio
Good Counsel Homes
Human Life Alliance